How to activate the motor
The Premiere Edition Bluejay is a "pedelec" bicycle, with a mid-drive motor that provides assistance when the bike is pedaled. As the rider pedals, an action sensor detects the motion and engages the motor. Electric pedaling assistance is provided at one of five levels, up to a speed of 20 mph (32 kph), the legal limit in the United States. Above 20 mph, the motor disengages.
When the motor is on, the power assist is applied immediately, so it is recommended that riders mount the bicycle when the motor is turned off, and be prepared for a surge of forwarding motion once it is on and pressure is applied to the pedals.
How to operate the LCD Display
To operate the motor, turn it on by pressing the power button on the LCD display remote on the left side of the handlebars. The LCD display will light up, showing four rows of icons. The bottom row depicts the assistance level as a number between 1 (the least amount of assistance) and 5 (the highest amount). The motor defaults to the lowest level of assistance when it is turned on. Always start riding the bike while it is set to power level 1, the lowest power level.
How to increase the power
To increase the amount of assistance while riding, use the "+" (PLUS) button on the LCD display remote. To decrease the amount of assistance, press the "-" (MINUS) button on the remote. The remote buttons allow you to continuously adjust the level of assistance to fit the road and riding conditions. Use them in combination with the shift controls to maintain an appropriate combination of pedaling resistance, cadence, and speed.
For more detailed information please find the Bafang Display Manual here.
For questions about the power, assistance features, email Support at Bluejay Electric Bicycles or call us at (888) 654-9913.
NOTICE: Users should familiarize themselves with the bike’s power control system and controls before operating them. There are many ways of doing this, including reading all provided manuals, watching the applicable videos, and practicing the use of the remote control buttons and shifters.
While getting accustomed to using the bike, it is best to ride it in a safe, flat area that has a minimal amount of people and traffic and begin in the lowest power mode. Wear appropriate clothing and a helmet. Failure to understand safe usage of the power system can lead to damage, serious injury, and/or death.