Riding Usage and Wet Weather Conditions

Electric bicycles are heavier and faster than normal bicycles, so it is important to note that they require extra caution and care while riding. This is especially true when riding off-pavement or in wet conditions.

Riding Usage

The Premiere Edition Bluejay electric bicycle is not designed for use off-road, on mountain bike trails, or on beaches. Ride it only on pavement, paved bike paths, and other similar surfaces.

Wet Weather

Electric bicycles are not intended for use in water or in wet conditions such as a heavy rainstorm. Take extreme care to avoid immersing the bike in water or liquid, as the electrical system may be damaged. 

Ride in wet weather only if it is necessary and only if you are able to safely control the bike in wet conditions.

Riding in wet conditions can lead to a fall, serious injury, or even death. Take extra care if riding in wet conditions because contact points for feet, hands, and tires become slippery, which can result in serious injury or death. Wet weather also impairs traction and visibility for yourself and other riders and motorists.

When riding in wet conditions is unavoidable:

  • Proceed with caution. Road hazards are more difficult to see in wet conditions
  • Decrease riding speed and avoid riding on surfaces like metal grates and leaves, because they become extremely slippery.
  • Brake earlier since it will take longer to slow the bike than when doing so in dry conditions.
  • Wear reflective clothing and use approved safety lights to offset reduced visibility
  • Park the bike in a dry location after riding in wet weather to allow the systems to dry out.

Wet Weather and Maintenance

Using the bike in wet conditions mandates a more regular maintenance schedule to ensure it does not become corroded, and to ensure all systems are working safely. 

In addition to avoiding riding in the rain, we recommend against transporting your Bluejay Electric Bicycle on an exposed vehicle rack during the rain, as this may cause water damage to the electrical components. Similarly, please do not store your Bluejay Electric Bicycle in the rain.

Contact Bluejay Electric Bicycles if you have questions about preventative measures.

If your bike is ever exposed to rain, allow it to dry out thoroughly and apply anti-rust treatment to the chain and other unpainted steel surfaces. Using the bike in wet conditions mandates a more regular maintenance schedule to ensure it does not become rusty or corroded, and to ensure all systems are always working safely.
General Safety Information

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